iPad Code Orange Access K-2

How do students log on to their classes? A Code Orange course has been added to each homeroom teacher's Canvas page.  The course is one page long and includes the Class schedule, Encore schedule, and the teacher's Zoom link.  

K-2 will log in to Code Orange using their iPads. K-2 will use a 6-digit number code to unlock their iPad and then will use their Clever badge to access Clever.  The 6-digit code is the number on the PWCS yellow tag on the back of the iPad. 

Turn on your iPad: Press and hold the top button until the Apple logo appears.  If the iPad doesn't turn on, you might need to charge the battery.  

Wake Up your iPad:  The iPad turns off the display to save power.  Press the round home button twice at the bottom of the screen to wake it up.  

Login:  Enter 6-digit passcode.  Passcodes are the number on the yellow tag found on the back of each iPad. 

Connect to your home Wi-Fi

  1. Click on SettingsiPad settings gear icon 2
  2. Select Wi-Fi
  3. Find your home Wi-Fi in the Other Networks section.
  4. Tap on your home Wi-Fi
  5. Enter your home Wi-Fi password
  6. Tap on Join.
  7. If   wifi-icon.jpg appears at the top of the screen, the iPad is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

 Login to Clever:

  1. Tap on the Clever app  clever-icon
  2. Scan your Clever badge QR code
  3. The green check mark will appear when you have successfully logged in

 Login to Canvas:

  1. Tap on the Canvas app Canvas icon
  2. Tap the blue box
  3. Tap on Update/Authorize

Go to yourteacher's Homeroom subject, select the Code Orange button Code Orange icon

This will take you to Zoom

  1. Tap on the Zoom icon
  2. The screen will say "Redirecting to Zoom"….Tap on click here
  3. Tap on Join
  4. Tap on Continue
  5. Tap on Join
  6. Tap on Wi-Fi

You are in the waiting room and your teacher will let you into the meeting.