Arrival and Dismissal

The instructional school day begins at 9:20 AM doors will open at 9:10 AM.  Dismissal time is 4:00 PM.
Patrols are assigned to help the teachers and students with arrival and dismissal procedures.
 See map at bottom for additional information.


Students who arrive early will line up in the following fashion and enter the building through the assigned door:
Kindergarten lines up directly in front of the main entrance and enters through door 1 with a staff member.
First Grade lines up directly in front of door 20.
Second Grade lines up directly in front of door 20.
Third Grade lines up to the right of the main entrance, between door 1 and door 20 and enters through the main entrance.
Fourth Grade lines up outside of Door 2 and enters through door 2, (outside of the music room).
Fifth Grade lines up to the right of the main entrance, between door 1 and door 20 and enters through the main entrance.
Walkers: Door 10 (Back Steps)
Staff will allow students to enter through door 10 beginning at 9:10 a.m.
Car Riders/Kiss and Go: Parents using personal transportation must use the parking area on the right as they enter the school. (Orange line on map below.)Proceed to the bottom of the parking area, make a U-Turn and pull up to the edge the parking area. (Red dots on map below.) Stay in your car, a staff member will open the door and escort your student to the sidewalk. Please pull up completely. 
Please arrange your car so students can exit from the right side of the vehicle. Cars will be passing on the left side and loading or unloading from the left side presents a very dangerous situation for both students and staff. 
In order to speed things up when dropping off, please anticipate your child leaving your car and have them get their backpacks, lunch boxes etc. ready to go before it is their turn to get out of the car. The turn at the bottom of the parking lot is a good place to remind them to get ready. 
Areal view of school parking lot
Please no texting, scrolling or phone  calls while in the car rider line.
All Doors, except for Door 1 will be closed at 9:20 am.  If your student arrives after 9:20, you will have to escort your student in to the main office.  DO NOT PARK in the Bus Circle. Two spots are available near the basketball court which allow 10 minute parking should you need to enter the school for a drop-off or pick-up. (Small white line near the center in the map below.)

Early Dismissal

Phone calls can no longer be accepted for requesting changes in dismissal.
Our priorities are both the education and safety of your child. With approximately 700 students to dismiss, phone calls cannot be accepted and email requests should be reserved for emergencies.

In the event that your child needs change their dismissal time or process, please send in a written note to the teacher.
In case of extenuating circumstances, before 12:00 pm send an email to the classroom teacher and Mrs. Rabak, [email protected]  and Mrs. Cannon [email protected]   indicating the change. Mrs. Rabak or Mrs. Cannon will email you back to let you know if the change can be made.

To avoid getting caught in dismissal traffic it is recommended that you pick your child prior to 3:25 or park on the street.

In the extremely rare event that you have a significant emergency requiring a change in dismissal after 12:00 pm, call the school, (703-590-3711), and an administrator will make a decision regarding the situation.
The circle at the front door of the school is to be used exclusively for school buses and emergency vehicles. No cars should be in this area. (Red hexagon on map above.) Two spots are available near the basketball court which allow 10 minute parking should you need to enter the school for a drop-off or pick-up. (Small white line near the center in the map above.)


Car Riders
If you do not have a Car Rider Number, you will have to park and collect your student in the front office with Identification. 
Students will be dismissed to the car rider line; parents are to remain in their car with their Car Rider Number displayed. Staff will escort student(s) to their car.
Please do not get out of your car to buckle in your student. Train your student to buckle themselves in. Staff are not allowed to buckle students' seat belts. 
Please no texting, scrolling or phone  calls while in the car rider line.
Will be dismissed through door 10 under the supervision of a staff member.
Thank you in advance for your help in maximizing the school day for learning, followed by a safe and orderly dismissal.

Westridge Elementary School’s Kindergarten Dismissal Procedures, 2024-25

Bus Riders and Day Care Riders: Students are escorted to each bus by Kdgn Teachers with personal conversation with the driver, especially, bus driver substitutes who are given the permission forms.

Kinder students must be met at the bustop by a parent or guardian with proper ID.

 Students in Level 2 Special Education Programs: Students are escorted by their Teachers/Instructional Assistants to personally put them on their buses. 

Walkers: Students are escorted to side exterior door (#10) by 2 Instructional Assistants who assure that each parent/guardian/someone who has been approved to receive them. The IA has the list and asks that ID is shown to assure compliance.

Car Riders: Students are escorted to the car rider line by 2 Instructional Assistants. They work with duty staff to assure that each student is matched by number that is visible in the car windshield and the number on the student’s backpack. 

SACC Students: Kdgn Teachers walk the students to hallway by the gym and SACC member greets them.